Bring the magic of butterfly gardening to your outdoor space with our articles below. From selecting the right plants to providing habitats for these beautiful pollinators, this category will provide you with the tips and tricks you need to create a thriving butterfly garden. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, you’ll find valuable information and inspiration in this category to help you attract and support these delicate creatures in your backyard.

Do Monarch Caterpillars Eat Anything Besides Milkweed
Do Monarch Caterpillars Eat Anything Besides Milkweed
What Black and White Caterpillar Eats Carrots
What Black and White Caterpillar Eats Carrots
Tiger Swallowtails in the Wildlife Garden
Tiger Swallowtails in the Wildlife Garden
Red Admiral Butterfly Sipping From Sap Flow
Red Admiral Butterfly Sipping From Sap Flow
Ecosystem Gardening in Practice: How to install a dragonfly pond
Ecosystem Gardening in Practice: How to install a dragonfly pond
First Monarch of the Spring
First Monarch of the Spring
5 Steps to The Ultimate Butterfly Garden
5 Steps to The Ultimate Butterfly Garden
Life Cycles of Butterflies in Your Habitat Garden
Life Cycles of Butterflies in Your Habitat Garden
What Did Black Swallowtails Eat Before we Brought In Parsley, Dill, and Queen Anne’s Lace?
What Did Black Swallowtails Eat Before we Brought In Parsley, Dill, and Queen Anne’s Lace?
Saving the Monarch Butterfly
Saving the Monarch Butterfly
Butterfly numbers plunge by 50 percent
Butterfly numbers plunge by 50 percent
Mourning Cloak First Butterfly of the Season
Mourning Cloak First Butterfly of the Season
Restoring the Monarch Butterfly
The Monarch Butterfly has been much in the news lately as we receive the devastating news that the current wintering population in Mexico is at all time low. There are many reasons for this decline in Monarch Butterflies: Current agricultural practice Genetically...
Monarch Butterfly Wintering Population at All Time Low
Monarch Butterfly Wintering Population at All Time Low
Certified Monarch Waystation
Certified Monarch Waystation
Attracting Butterflies to Your Wildlife Garden
Attracting Butterflies to Your Wildlife Garden