Butterflies and other insects play a vital role in the ecosystem and can add beauty and interest to your garden. In this category, you’ll find articles that cover a variety of topics related to butterfly and insect sightings in your garden, including tips and tricks for attracting and observing these creatures. You’ll learn about the different species of butterflies and insects that you might encounter, their behavior and lifecycle, and how you can provide a welcoming habitat for them.

Why Are There So Many Tiger Swallowtails this Year?
Why Are There So Many Tiger Swallowtails this Year?
Very Late First Monarch of the Season
Very Late First Monarch of the Season
Bald-Faced Hornets in the Wildlife Garden
Bald-Faced Hornets in the Wildlife Garden
Amazing Critters in the Wildlife Garden
Amazing Critters in the Wildlife Garden
Black Swallowtail Butterflies and Caterpillars
Black Swallowtail Butterflies and Caterpillars