Issues that impact environments and ecosystems and ideas that we can promote and adopt to help mitigate these harmful effects. I’ve renamed this category to “Save the Planet” not to be obnoxious or overly dramatic, but to catch your eye and more easily group these articles that discuss more general environmental issues and ideas beyond our backyard gardens!
by Ecosystem Gardener | Sustainable Landscaping
Why Lawns are not Sustainable in Ecosystem Gardening
by Ecosystem Gardener | Book Reviews , Sustainable Landscaping
What Can You Do to Replace Your Lawn?
by Ecosystem Gardener | Save the Planet
Healing The Wounds 5 Loss of Ecological Processes
by Ecosystem Gardener | Save the Planet
Can I get you a glass of weed killer with your dinner?
by Ecosystem Gardener | Save the Planet
Beware “greenwashing” when it comes to your Conservation Garden
by Ecosystem Gardener | Save the Planet
Managing Rainwater in the Ecosystem Garden
by Ecosystem Gardener | Save the Planet
Have a Cup of Coffee and Help Save Bird Habitat
by Ecosystem Gardener | Water Conservation
Ecosystem Gardening: How to install a Rain Garden
by Ecosystem Gardener | Sustainable Landscaping
The Beautiful-No Mow Yard
by Ecosystem Gardener | Sustainable Landscaping
Life in the Leaf Litter: Don’t Throw a Good Thing Away
by Ecosystem Gardener | Save the Planet
Ecosystem Gardening in Practice: Installing a Green Roof
by Ecosystem Gardener | Water Conservation
Stormwater Management: City or Homeowner Responsibility?
by Ecosystem Gardener | Water Conservation
A Resource Guide to Ecosystem Gardening, Part 2: Water Conservation
by Ecosystem Gardener | Save the Planet
Roadside plants and shrubs make great habitats for birds, butterflies and bees.
by Ecosystem Gardener | Book Reviews , Sustainable Landscaping
Sustainable Landscaping for Gardeners
by Ecosystem Gardener | Water Conservation
Rain Barrels make a difference
by Ecosystem Gardener | Save the Planet
Healing The Wounds to Wildlife 2 Habitat Loss
by Ecosystem Gardener | Sustainable Landscaping
Sustainable Landscapes Give Back
by Ecosystem Gardener | Sustainable Landscaping
Oil Spill and Our Gardens
by Ecosystem Gardener | Save the Planet
Palmerton, PA sometimes Mother Nature Gets a Second Chance, Part 1
by Ecosystem Gardener | Sustainable Landscaping
Justin Timberlake says golf CAN be green!
by Ecosystem Gardener | Sustainable Landscaping
A Love Letter to Wildlife