My whole purpose in gardening, as well as the guiding principle of Ecosystem Gardening, is to learn to give something back to wildlife.

We have destroyed so much wildlife habitat in our constant quest for more development that habitat loss has become the leading reason why so many different species of birds, butterflies, native bees, amphibians, and other wildlife are struggling to survive.

There are so many different ways to give something back to wildlife, from creating welcoming habitats in our gardens to working with local organizations whose mission is to restore wildlife habitat.

To give you some ideas about how to give back, I asked my Facebook friends to tell me their favorite ways of giving back to wildlife. My friends are from all walks of life, and here are their tips:

Create a wildlife garden – One of the best ways to give back to wildlife is to create a wildlife garden. This can be a space where you grow native plants that provide food, shelter, and habitat for wildlife. You can also add birdhouses, nesting boxes, and other structures to provide additional shelter and nesting sites.

Use sustainable gardening practices – By using sustainable gardening practices, you can help to protect the environment and conserve wildlife habitat. This includes using organic methods to control pests and diseases, conserving water, and reducing or eliminating the use of harmful chemicals.

Provide food and water – Providing food and water for wildlife can be a great way to support them. You can plant native plants that provide nectar, fruits, and seeds for wildlife, and provide water sources, such as bird baths and bird feeders, to help wildlife stay hydrated.

Create a diverse landscape – By creating a diverse landscape that includes a variety of habitats, such as meadows, woodland edges, and wetlands, you can provide a range of food, shelter, and nesting sites for wildlife. This will help to support a wider variety of wildlife species.

Reduce or eliminate lawn areas – Lawns can be a monoculture that provides little or no benefit for wildlife. By reducing or eliminating lawn areas and planting native vegetation, you can create a more diverse and wildlife-friendly landscape.

Get involved in conservation efforts – There are many conservation organizations that work to protect wildlife and their habitats. You can get involved by volunteering your time, making a donation, or advocating for conservation measures in your community.

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